July 31, 2009
Dear Friends of WPBS-TV:
CONGRATULATIONS! WPBS-TV and Rogers Cable have worked together to ensure a more reliable fiber connection, and WPBS-TV is able to continue serving the Ottawa Community! This news from Rogers could not have come at a better time. WPBS-TV and Rogers have created a more reliable feed source of our signal that is a win-win situation for both parties. In all sincerity Rogers has been kind and cooperative in the discussions with WPBS-TV over the past 48 hours.
Words alone can never describe how much the overwhelming outpour of support from our friends in the Ottawa area has meant to “the little station that could” over the past weeks. Special thanks go to the City of Ottawa Councillor Rick Chiarelli for his unwavering support, time and energy on behalf of the City of Ottawa and WPBS-TV; Gord McDougall, CFRA News Reporter & TV Commentator for his encouragement and friendship; and, the countless members, viewers, supporters & friends of WPBS-TV who refused to give up and remained committed to the end. We could name many, but without their permission we will wait to ‘brag them up.’
How does an organization go about thanking everyone for their character, depth of emotion and heart-felt hard work? We’re not quite sure just yet. But, believe us Ottawa, WPBS-TV will not let you down!
In the coming days, WPBS-TV will be creating on-air spots and making additional announcements with our on-line community of supporters. Please call us with any questions or concerns you may have. Or, just congratulate yourself on a job well done!
As always, we remain,
Tom Hanley, Lynn Brown & Staff
A big "thank you" and virtual hug to all the people who bombarded Rogers, the CRTC, Ottawa city councillors, and local newspapers with your protests against dropping WPBS! Good on ya, Ottawa.
Don't forget to tip your waitress - I'll be writing a thank you letter to the individuals mentioned above and the Ottawa city councillors, as well as Rogers and the CRTC, for their efforts in making this happen.
Now if you'll excuse me, I suspect there's something good on channel 64 right about now...