There will be three rallies tomorrow calling on the City and ATU to restore service while they hammer out a workable agreement:
City, Transit Union head back to the table
Ottawans are sick and tired enough to take to the streets. I think it's fantastic because the media blackout has helped to cover up and minimize just how deep and profound the suffering is from this thing. Maybe, just maybe, seeing the faces and hearing the stories from the most downtrodden of Ottawans as they endure these hardships will prick the consciences of City and ATU alike and cause them to realize what jerks they're being. Here's hoping. I only wish I could be there tomorrow, but I've been suffering with a nasty flu for several weeks now and can't seem to shake it. So I just don't have the energy to go, but I will be there in spirit, rooting for these people and praying that they get heard.
Ironically - the loudmouthed, yelling, pointing, shrieking John Baird has suddenly clammed up tight and is strangely silent during all of this. I'd normally be rejoicing that we finally found a way to get this guy to shut up... but this is the worst possible time for him to do so. Meh, what does he care? He, Rona Ambrose, and Stephen Harper have one single-minded mission right now, and that is blowing enough smoke up everyone's butt on Tuesday to avoid being kicked out on their collective ear. They couldn't care less about this strike, but will do the bare minimum required to make it appear like they do (such as force a vote they knew was going to fail, then wash their hands of the whole thing - see, there, we did something about it, now leave us alone).
For one thing, even if the federal Cons had time for us right now (which they don't), they still don't have the inclination. Conservatives are about big business, and as such, they tend to prefer union-busting to negotiation... arguably a major reason behind this ridiculous 48-day showdown between Conservative Mayor O'Brien and the ATU in the first place. Not even mentioned yet, but just as pertinent, is the fact that parties - and conservative parties in particular - are loathe to break ranks by questioning the decisions of one of their own. All this means don't go getting your hopes up for any of these clowns to swoop in and save the day. They'd starve out every union in existence if they could, and more importantly, they've got bigger fish to fry right now. If there's one thing you can say for the Tories, they're at least consistent... they will happily flip-flop 180 degrees on any policy, throw anybody under the bus, lie through their teeth no matter how preposterous, or ignore any issue no matter how pressing, as long as it's self-serving in some way.
One thing this means for me, as a recent export from the States, is I can pretty much predict the Tories' every move. The Republicans have turned deception into an art form, fuelled by the neo-con agenda that has permeated their ranks. Apparently inspired by this, The Tories copy all the old tricks, unaltered, from the Republicans' playbook. So it's child's play to know what the Cons are up to... I've seen this all before. It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
Wake up Canadians! Or we'll have a mess just like the States. I have no interest whatsoever in watching another country I love go down the tubes.
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