Unions call for 'Buy Canadian' policy
Note that it's the Canadian Auto Workers pushing for this policy. How exactly are we to support their industry? As far as I know, their bread and butter is American car companies. Shall we support their industry by buying American and Japanese cars built in Canada? Are they serious?
Let's not kid ourselves. These aren't "Canadian car companies," they are American companies whose actions are dictated by American interests, and Japanese companies dictated by Japanese interests. They will use us as long as they need us and then bam, out on our collective ear. One need only look at the impending closure of the Oshawa GM plant to see that this is true. There was much pleading and protesting about it, to no avail. And GM has already exported huge chunks of its manufacturing labour to Mexico. Mexico recently surpassed Canada in auto manufacturing. Coincidence? No. It's all about financial advantage. GM is not a Canadian company, it's not based in Canada, and it couldn't care less about Canadian jobs. The sooner we get that through our heads, the better.
I know of two Canadian car companies - Zenn and Dynasty... and neither of them ever got proper support from any level of government.
Compounding this tragedy is the environmental impact of such governmental mismanagement. Both of these are 100% electric cars. They are classified as LSV (Low Speed Vehicles) and are ideal for the type of short distances typical for city dwellers for getting to work, the grocery store, and miscellaneous errands. Since, at last count in 2006, 80% of all Canadians lived in an area classified as urban, a whole lot of people could be using these. Alas, the federal government dragged its heels on making provisions for putting these cars on our roads. Once it finally did, it fell to the provinces, and all but two - BC and Québec - have dragged their heels as well. So, where are these cars getting sold? In the 47 U.S. states that allow them, amongst other places. I've said it before - it's a travesty.
And now that the U.S. economy is tanking fast, and with it their rate of new vehicle purchases, how do you suppose these Canadian car companies are faring? Did the government offer to bail them out or help them along? No! Millions in bailout dollars are instead going to GM and Chrysler, with a line of credit extended to Ford... all American companies.
If the government was really serious about Canadian jobs, the Canadian economy, and the environment, they would give proper support to Canadian-based companies. Why are we giving billions of dollars - that's "billions" with a "b" - to GM, an American company that is already closing down at least one of their Canadian plants? What would happen if we took the money designated for American car companies and put it into Zenn and Dynasty and Canadian startups who want to make cars here? There would still be plenty left over to go into public transportation and infrastructure. Why would we insist on spending big bucks to (1) ensure that our businesses are at a disadvantage and (2) ensure that large segments of our economy and jobs remain at the mercy of foreign interests?
What a crock.
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