Apparently, the Republicans are petering out in all but the Deep South. This is fantastic news! And we have Rush Limbaugh - and other loudmouthed right-wing asshats like him - to thank for accelerating the demise of their party.
After all, Rush Limbaugh et al are doing us all a favour. They are coming out and showing the ugly undercurrents so often thinly veiled by the Republican party - contempt for non-whites, women, non-Christians, environmentalists, and the poor, for starters. It's always been covert, of course, almost never being spoken but seen very clearly in the policies it implements. For once, with Rush and his ilk at the helm, the Republican party's actions actually match its words.
It's my fondest hope that, faced with the threat of extinction, the Republican party will be dragged - kicking and screaming, no doubt - into the 21st century. And with it, the Reform Alliance -- oops I mean Conservative Party of Canada. It's time to dump racist, sexist, classist, xenophobic notions and get with the program.

09 April 2009

08 April 2009
Silly pervert, tits are for kids
Woman inundated with hate mail over poolside breastfeeding
It seems there is no shortage of right-wing whackjobs who don't get the concept that the first and primary purpose of breasts is NOT sex, but rather, feeding one's young.
Humans are mammals. That starts with m-a-m-m-a, as in... gee what's that word again??...
...oh yes... MAMMARY.
That means "boobies," for those of you who missed Biology 101. That's right, just like every other mammal we are equipped with these for the purpose of feeding our babies.
If you have, in your mind, sexualized breasts to such an extent that you have lost sight of their entire reason for existing in the first place, there is something seriously wrong with your mindset. It takes a pervert in the extreme, to see a breastfeeding mother and think "pedophile." Just what do these folks think people did to feed their infants before artificial baby formula came along? They do realize they probably nursed at their own mothers' breasts at one time themselves... don't they?
But then, it's easy to confirm such perversion, since such individuals have taken to sending this woman hate mail calling her a pedophile and specifying the obscene acts they would perform on her. These people need counselling, and fast. Even for the ones who didn't threaten her with such acts, their sexual mindset is obviously so twisted that we can no doubt expect a high percentage of sexual offenders in this group. I hope this woman presses charges against each and every one so we can get them off the street.
I personally think it's a beautiful thing when a mother does not resort to allowing her baby to go hungry, or feeding it artificial baby formula, out of fear of offending some ignorant twisted pervert. First and foremost, boobs = baby food. And it's the best baby food, above and beyond any substitute humankind can concoct. So perverts, get over yourselves. Boobs were not made for you.
It seems there is no shortage of right-wing whackjobs who don't get the concept that the first and primary purpose of breasts is NOT sex, but rather, feeding one's young.
Humans are mammals. That starts with m-a-m-m-a, as in... gee what's that word again??...
...oh yes... MAMMARY.
That means "boobies," for those of you who missed Biology 101. That's right, just like every other mammal we are equipped with these for the purpose of feeding our babies.
If you have, in your mind, sexualized breasts to such an extent that you have lost sight of their entire reason for existing in the first place, there is something seriously wrong with your mindset. It takes a pervert in the extreme, to see a breastfeeding mother and think "pedophile." Just what do these folks think people did to feed their infants before artificial baby formula came along? They do realize they probably nursed at their own mothers' breasts at one time themselves... don't they?
But then, it's easy to confirm such perversion, since such individuals have taken to sending this woman hate mail calling her a pedophile and specifying the obscene acts they would perform on her. These people need counselling, and fast. Even for the ones who didn't threaten her with such acts, their sexual mindset is obviously so twisted that we can no doubt expect a high percentage of sexual offenders in this group. I hope this woman presses charges against each and every one so we can get them off the street.
I personally think it's a beautiful thing when a mother does not resort to allowing her baby to go hungry, or feeding it artificial baby formula, out of fear of offending some ignorant twisted pervert. First and foremost, boobs = baby food. And it's the best baby food, above and beyond any substitute humankind can concoct. So perverts, get over yourselves. Boobs were not made for you.

Same-sex marriage and ignoring Canada, in America
Gay marriage supporters watch historic vote in Vt
Great! Now the Republicans won't have to bitch about "activist judges" any more. It's been through the legislature. One long-time tactic by the social conservatives when things don't go their way is to say judges shouldn't have a say in such matters (never mind that the courts are precisely where civil rights matters should be decided, both in principle and by precedent). Then they fight to have the legislature decide. If that doesn't go their way either, they say that was never the right way to begin with and it should be voted on by the people. Or they will skip the legislature and take it to the voters (such as has been done in California), and if that doesn't go their way, they'll say it should have gone to the legislature. It seems they're running out of excuses and options, which is good news because their legal shell games are getting downright boring.
It's very disappointing, however, that the writers of the AP article mentioned above left something out of their list of countries allowing same-sex marriage. Hell-l-ooo-oo-o.... Canada?? No wonder most Americans don't know anything about Canada! Once again, Canada has been ignored in American media.
No, I'm not an American-hater. See this post - I spent most of my life in the States so I know what I'm talking about. Americans routinely ignore Canada in the media and this is just the latest blatant example. It's become even more readily apparent to me upon moving to Canada, just how consistent and thorough this ignorance really is. One needn't wonder why American media pisses Canadians off.
I've written a sternly worded message to the writers of the article, both for their lack of research integrity and for the systematic ignorance of Canada in U.S. media. I'll report back with the results, but to be honest I'm not getting my hopes up.
Great! Now the Republicans won't have to bitch about "activist judges" any more. It's been through the legislature. One long-time tactic by the social conservatives when things don't go their way is to say judges shouldn't have a say in such matters (never mind that the courts are precisely where civil rights matters should be decided, both in principle and by precedent). Then they fight to have the legislature decide. If that doesn't go their way either, they say that was never the right way to begin with and it should be voted on by the people. Or they will skip the legislature and take it to the voters (such as has been done in California), and if that doesn't go their way, they'll say it should have gone to the legislature. It seems they're running out of excuses and options, which is good news because their legal shell games are getting downright boring.
No, I'm not an American-hater. See this post - I spent most of my life in the States so I know what I'm talking about. Americans routinely ignore Canada in the media and this is just the latest blatant example. It's become even more readily apparent to me upon moving to Canada, just how consistent and thorough this ignorance really is. One needn't wonder why American media pisses Canadians off.
I've written a sternly worded message to the writers of the article, both for their lack of research integrity and for the systematic ignorance of Canada in U.S. media. I'll report back with the results, but to be honest I'm not getting my hopes up.
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