Woman inundated with hate mail over poolside breastfeeding
It seems there is no shortage of right-wing whackjobs who don't get the concept that the first and primary purpose of breasts is NOT sex, but rather, feeding one's young.
Humans are mammals. That starts with m-a-m-m-a, as in...
...aw gee what's that word again??...
...oh yes... MAMMARY.
That means "boobies," for those of you who missed Biology 101. That's right, just like every other mammal we are equipped with these for the purpose of feeding our babies.
If you have, in your mind, sexualized breasts to such an extent that you have lost sight of their entire reason for existing in the first place, there is something seriously wrong with your mindset. It takes a pervert in the extreme, to see a breastfeeding mother and think "pedophile." Just what do these folks think people did to feed their infants before artificial baby formula came along? They do realize they probably nursed at their own mothers' breasts at one time themselves... don't they?
But then, it's easy to confirm such perversion, since such individuals have taken to sending this woman hate mail calling her a pedophile and specifying the obscene acts they would perform on her. These people need counselling, and fast. Even for the ones who didn't threaten her with such acts, their sexual mindset is obviously so twisted that we can no doubt expect a high percentage of sexual offenders in this group. I hope this woman presses charges against each and every one so we can get them off the street.
I personally think it's a beautiful thing when a mother does not resort to allowing her baby to go hungry, or feeding it artificial baby formula, out of fear of offending some ignorant twisted pervert. First and foremost, boobs = baby food. And it's the best baby food, above and beyond any substitute humankind can concoct. So perverts, get over yourselves. Boobs were not made for you.
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Perhaps. I do think people need to start doing a lot less of it, because the current rate of population growth is not environmentally sustainable. But that's another post for another day.
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